While going through Erard’s essay a second time a few new things popped out at me. Not only did I recognize more hidden metaphors, but also helped me to understand the concepts of metaphors a bit more. When Erard wrote “They’re meant to make someone realize that they’ve only been looking at one side of a thing”, which is incredibly accurate. Metaphors force you to think abstractly and expand on your world view a bit. Another exerpt that caught my eye was “Another way to break the mistake is to break the thing you want to explain into its components, then connect them to some other idea or domain of life”. This kind of cleared up some confusion I had on actually forming new metaphors, or even breaking complicated ones down to understand them better. I did understand the essay pretty well the first time around, and I did agree with most of the essay as well. A few words that confused me were “hewn”–which means, in the context used, formed or created in the mind. The term is seen in reference to Dante and Rilke, “…they might have said the metaphors were hewn from their minds, or drawn from a stock of poetry”. Rereading the essay really increased my understanding of metaphor and the creative process of making new ones.