In my edits on the chosen writing piece, I made use of many techniques to improve the overall quality of the essay. I created a rough draft, and then from that draft came the peer edits. On this essay I focused mainly on what my peers had to offer for improvements, wether it was in the peer review sessions or even just my friends. I expanded on who read my paper to allow different points of view to judge the paper. Using these outside views really helped to propel the quality upwards as well as cutting back on bad habits in my writing. After having my peers overlook the paper, I did a final overall glance on the paper to do more revising, the ideas provided by my peers were incredibly helpful and beneficial and resulted in a complete rewrite of a couple paragraphs and help cutting it down to be closer to the desired word count. After the outside point of view was provided on many levels, I read my paper aloud and found some more hiding kinks in the flow of the words. After this I also practiced rewriting one of the paragraphs completely using the same quotes as well as working on the repetitiveness of the essay and issues with run on sentences. In some spots, as my peers pointed out, had some awkward wording so I went through and tried to fix those as best as I could. This new way of editing is vastly different from how I edited drafts in high school

first and final draft linked in drop down menu titled Eportfolio final